
I'm A Big Boy Now! {One Year Sneak Peek}

The Alig family met me where it all began almost two years ago, Glen Oak Park.   I started capturing the Alig children with their oldest for her two year pictures and it has been so much fun watching their family (and children) grow.  This session was in honor of Mr. Alig turning one!  I can't believe he's one!  Time goes by way to fast.  Now that the children are a little older we decided to try a few family poses and that's how we started the day.  Once those were done the focus was all on the birthday boy.


He has so much personality!  I have to say I don't have two images with the same facial expression.  After spending some time with the traditional poses it was time for the cake!  Not only did he love the cake but a park squirrel decided he wanted some cake too!  No, I didn't take any pictures of the dare devil squirrel (who got within feet of us) because I was making sure it didn't attach.

Thank you Alig Family and Happy Birthday Mr Alig!
I'm looking forward to next time.

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