
Sneak Peeks

I love my job and I love providing clients with stunning images.  I also enjoy posting sneak peeks so everyone can see what's going on and dote over friends' and relative's pictures.  I love being able to get a little more verbal and describe my sessions or method of thinking.  BUT (and it's not a big but) we've noticed a small kink in this new way of posting sneak peeks.

It's been brought to our attention that clients are posting images from the blog on various websites.  This is usually A-Ok, but due to our satellite internet the images for the sneak peek have been drastically downsized for a faster upload.  When the images are copied onto the desktop and reposted they are so small they display very pixelated.  I have to be honest and say that I'm not super fond of my images and website being extremely distorted.  Another way of looking at it... I don't want prospective clients thinking I post poor quality images because I honestly would never do that.  I may downsize them but they still display clean and crisp.

We want our clients to share their images and sneak peeks but we'd like to point out the correct way of sharing sneak peeks.  If a client wanted to share the images from the blog we ask that they copy and paste the web address into their facebook status.  Facebook will automatically pull up the link and first picture.  Once the link shows up below the status you can then delete the web address from your status update and the link will be available.  If a client wanted to share the images we post on our facebook page we ask that you either tag yourself, family and friends in the image or use the share option under the image.

Again, this issue is only with sneak peeks that we have originally posted.  Clients are more than welcome to post as many images as they'd like once the disc has arrived.  We are so sorry for this inconvenience... hopefully we can move closer to town and can upgrade to DSL or cable internet.

Thank you in advance for your help and understanding.

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