
Priceless Expressions {Six Month Sneak Peek}

Look at those gorgeous blue eyes and what a ham!  This little nugget knew how to work the camera.  He just smiled and talked and even gave me some serious faces.  Naturally, I giggled the entire time.  We met at lower Bradley Park for this session.  I wasn't sure if he was sitting on his own yet or not (without major wipe-outs) so I came equipped with blankets and props.  We started with something simple... laying on the fur rug in the grass.  We attempted to sit without help but I think he was too excited for his session to sit still.  We opted for the next best option and that was to put him in something that he could brace himself with... a basket!  Oh the faces he made sitting there... he looked like a little man.

Mom changed his outfit and we headed toward the gazebo and stone steps.  I made sure to grab a different prop for him to sit in and I'm glad I did.  Little Man wanted nothing to do with laying on his stomach... session fail.  I did snap a few pictures of him really mad laying in the grass... they'll make for an interesting story when he starts dating or better yet the speech at his wedding.  

After another outfit change we used the side of the gazebo for a rustic feel.  After some playing with grandma and a leaf he was ready to give me some smiles.  AND he decided to sit by himself!  What a great way to end the session.  Did I mention how cute that last outfit is?!  It was adorable!   I wish I had something like that for my boys when they were little.  I just went ape over it.
Thank you Dubois Family!  It was wonderful meeting you and working with your little peanut.


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