
Momma Mia! {Newborn Sneak Peek}

I am pleased to introduce my newest second cousin! 
(for the time being... there are 3 more due this year) 
Congratulations to my cousins Kyle & Ellen... she's adorable!
Miss Mia made her grand entrance in March and I've been waiting to post these pictures until her mom had a chance to get her birth announcements mailed.  I'd rather have everyone call her to oooh and aaaah instead of me.  =)  My assistant for this session was my awesome sister... who made the drive to Champaign with me.  We used the living room where there was a ton of natural light and plenty of room to move around.  The above picture was actually one of the last poses we did but I love it so much I wanted it front and center.  We actually started with the below picture... something easy for her to get used to being naked and not in her "normal' position (in mommy's arms).  She put that little arm up and we all went nuts.  She's so cute!

After sitting in the papasan chair we planted her in a bucket that I had in the back of the car.  We padded it with blankets and draped it with a blanket that her grandma (my aunt) made.  Once comfy inside the bucket she proceeded to make faces at us.  This one is sure to get a reaction from anyone viewing it.  Besides the amazing personality this little princess has she also has an amazing head of hair!  I've never in my life seen a blonde baby with this much curly hair!  I just wanted to sit and play with it. 

From the bucket we went to the big bay window.  There was just enough room on the ledge to place the porcelain bowl.  At this point she was ready for a quick nap... it's hard work taking pictures.  The bowl was lined with another blanket made by her grandma.  We're not supposed to tell grandma this... but... the blanket had to be washed after this use.  She decided it was the perfect time to go to the bathroom.  

I was tickled pink that Kyle and Ellen let me take pictures of their brand new addition... I'm pretty sure I have them convinced that I need to do this every three months.

Congratulations again Mom and Dad!

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