
Fun with Miss Hedge {Nine Month Sneak Peek}

It's hard for me to believe that Miss Hedge is 9 months old.  It seems like yesterday we were doing maternity pictures with her mom, dad and older brother.  It has been a complete joy to watch her grow over the past nine months... her first smiles, learning to sit, and recently standing.  I'm looking forward to capturing her first major milestone, her first birthday.  I'm sure she'll be running like a wild woman when that day finally arrives.

For this session her parents were nice enough to open up their beautiful home to me.  Not to worry, their home didn't overshadow their pretty princess in her adorable pink ruffled romper set.  The patterned background was something they displayed in their master bedroom to compliment their vintage fireplace mantel.  It photographed amazing and I was tickled pink when I saw it.

After playing in Mommy and Daddy's room and the antique fireplace we headed to her bedroom (which was adorable!)  We played by the curtains and then hopped into her crib where she jumped and jumped and jumped and then jumped some more.  She was having so much fun!  Unfortunately, it had to end to change into her Easter dress.  

Once all dolled up in her purple party dress we put Miss Hedge on her parent's buffet (you never would have guessed... right?!)  Naturally, this pose didn't last long because Miss Hedge has no fear and was ready to crawl right off! Don't worry... mommy and daddy were very close should she decide to go too far. 

When I was told that Miss Hedge was getting baptized this afternoon I knew we  HAD to get pictures in her baptism dress! I wanted to go with a background and theme that was clean and simple.  Her white rocking chair with pink cushion was perfect for these images.

To end our afternoon fun, Miss Hedge was changed into a fun and colorful summer outfit (I can't tell you how much I miss buying little girls clothes).  I wanted an outdoor feel without actually  having to take her outside, even though we had gorgeous weather that day it would have been a tad chilly. Instead we improvised and used the ladder and vines that were displayed in the dining room.  I'm sure I created a monster... she'll be playing with that ladder on a regular basis now. 

Thank you again Hedge Family for giving me this wonderful opportunity!  I'm looking forward to celebrating and capturing her first birthday!

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