
Happy Easter Miss Hamilton! {Nine Month Sneak Peek}

Miss Hamilton is nine months old and ready for Easter!  I just love her little teeth and I got to see them a lot because she was full of smiles!  Her session took place at my house.  We used my backyard as well as my neighbors backyard for all of the outdoor images.  We had beautiful weather and would have stayed outside but some of our outfits were better suited for indoors.  =)

The first two images were taken in my children's playroom... located in our basement.  The blue from the wall complimented her little red chair (provided by her mom) and her cute summer dress.  I wasn't sure we could get her out of the rocking chair! She loves to rock and just kept going and going. 

To end the day we put her in her very pretty christening dress.  It was gorgeous!  She wasn't fan of her new shoes but she still squeezed out a few smiles for me.  These were taken in my dining room of all places.  I slid our table and chairs out of the way and brought in a chair from our living room.  I wanted neutral but not too neutral. 

Thank you Hamilton family!  I'm looking forward to her one year session and your special day!

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