
Cute, Cute Miss Crispen {One Year Sneak Peek}

Early this afternoon I finally got to spend time with Miss Crispen and can I just say... what a doll! 

We started the session in her pretty pink dress, a gift from her great grandma.  Her mom suggested that we make these images extra special by posing her on a chair that used to belong to the same great grandma.  The setting was perfect... there were windows on either side of the chair and the wall behind it was neutral.  Once we had our fill of the chair we decided to have a little fun and made our way to the bathroom.  Nothing says "I'm One" like playing with newly discovered toilet paper!

As you can guess it wasn't long before a few pieces of teepee ended up in her mouth. After a hard gulp her mom and I decided we should move onto the next outfit... and boy is it cute!  Her mom wiggled her into a pink lace romper with a matching headband while I found a location for a white mirror, provided by the client.  I decided to place it in a small hallway to provide a blank and neutral background as well as natural sunlight.  As soon as she saw her reflection she was in heaven. 

After the excitement of the mirror faded we headed outside to take full advantage of the wonderful spring weather we're having!  Miss Crispen was changed into a pair of capris and a pink giraffe print top.  We posed the stuffed animals and Miss Crispen in the grass near the neighbors privacy fence. You'd never know it was a fence... it looks like a barn!

After realizing she wasn't a fan of the grass the decision was made to try for one last outfit.  I ran to the car and grabbed a chair I had thrown in before I left.  Miss Crispen was changed into a denim dress with sea green sweater, pink shoes and super cute headband.  A quick note about the dress... her older sister wore the same dress for her one year pictures!  I love those small details.  The day ended on the front porch where there is no grass.  =)

Thank you Crispen Family for giving me the opportunity to photograph your daughter's milestone.

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