
Handsome Mr Hambrick {Three Month Sneak Peek}


Is that not one of THE cutest faces you have ever seen?!  Allow me to introduce Mr. Hambrick.  He isn't quite three months old but he's awfully close to it.  The Hambrick family welcomed me into their home while their peanut was in a good mood and ready to pose.

I'm going to post these in a slightly different order than they were taken. 
I am obsessed with these pictures and wanted to put them front and center. 


 Mr. Hambrick was posed in a family room that had a giant window overlooking the side yard.  We placed him in front of the window which provided a great back lighting affect (highlighting his cute little butt cheeks).  My detachable flash then filled in from the front. We started out on the floor with a fur rug I brought.  After a few minutes of hard work keeping his head up we decided to grab the boppy to help support his upper body.  As you can see he was naked the entire time and LOVED it!

And this is where we started our adventure.  Their little man was posed in their entryway.  On both sides of their front door were windows that went from floor to ceiling and provided a tremendous amount of natural light.  The brick wall added a unique twist... brick interior walls... love it!!! 

This picture makes me giggle... it looks like he's showing us his "guns".  
He loved having his harms stretched out to the side. 

After working our way through the house we decided to try some outdoor poses.  Their backyard was 
huge but we decided to stick close to the trees.  Not only was is super duper sunny but the wind was also 
blowing pretty good and before we could get everyone ready he fell fast asleep... taking pictures and being so cute is very hard work. 

Thank you Hambrick Family! 
It was wonderful meeting and working with all three of you 
(and grandma)

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures. I can't wait to get the cd. Thanks Cori!!
