
A Bundle of Information

Happy Monday!  I know most people dread Mondays but today is a fantastic Monday in my book... I get to spend the day with my nephew!  Oh how I miss having little, little ones.  He's napping now so I had time to post a quick blog with some useful (and some not so useful) information.  

When the year started I swore I wouldn't work on Sundays... however... I'm not one to turn clients away so Sundays have been made available during the busy months (May to November).  A lot of our Sundays are starting to fill up already due to weddings we have scheduled on Saturdays.  The last time I checked we had five weekend openings between now and the end of June.  Again, that is only for weekends sessions... we have plenty of availability during the week.  The calendar on our website has been updated and I will do my best to keep it updated through the spring, summer and fall.  

Speaking of fall we're planning for another busy one!  I had some early birds book their sessions already!  While scheduling this far in advance is not necessary, I want to remind everyone that as we get busier our editing time gets longer. During the spring and summer my turn around time is around 1-3 weeks.  Once August arrives my turn around time will extend to 2-5 weeks and gradually get back to normal by December.   If you're interested in pictures for Christmas cards I would strongly suggest scheduling a session no later than October.

I'm going to back track a little and mention our Easter vacation.  This year we are heading to Florida to visit my grandparents.  My children love spending time with their great grandparents and it doesn't hurt that they live somewhere warm and tropical.  =)  We will be unavailable for sessions March 30th through April 10th.  Business will return to normal on April 11th.  We can be reached via email, facebook, and mobile phone while in the sunshine state.   While we're on the subject of vacations we do have a few more planned including Memorial Day weekend and the first week in July.  There will be more later in the summer but their dates have yet to be determined.  I have good news though!  My laptop goes with me and I do edit while on vacation... it's the only way I can enjoy the time off.  I would go nuts sitting on a beach thinking about how many pictures I have sitting at home waiting to be unedited.  =)  

The last thing I wanted to remind everyone of were the changes we made at the start of 2012.  All sessions, with the exception of large families, include one hour of coverage.  Due to the amount of travel we now have sessions will not be permitted to last longer than their assigned time frame.   

I can hear someone stirring in his crib.  =)  Time to get back to being his favorite aunt.

Have a great week!!

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