
An Afternoon with Mr Lykins {Two Year Sneak Peek}

Mr Lykins is 2! We celebrated his birthday with a session at Bradley Park.  His initial session was supposed to be the first weekend in March but we had snow!  IL weather... I tell ya... it's something else!  We headed over the bridge and he started to play and giggle and laugh... he was such a ham!

After playing in the grass and exploring we headed toward the small baseball diamond where he was able to find rocks!  He had so much fun picking them up and putting them through the fence, one at a time.

After letting the birthday boy have the spotlight all to himself we decided to try for some maternity pictures.  Yep!  Mr Lykins is going to be a big brother!  He wasn't overly fond of these poses but they still turned out perfect!

Thank you Lykins Family and Happy Birthday to that handsome little man!  
I look forward to watching your family grow from three to four!

1 comment:

  1. These are soo good i can not believe he is 2 already!! My fav is the first one and the one kissing mommys belly!!!!!! I cant wait to see the rest!!! Love you guys Heather
