
Big Man # 2! {Newborn Sneak Peek}

Talk about striking a pose!  He was curled up cute and cuddly on his stomach sleeping but woke up and decided to stretch.  I couldn't resist capturing his "natural" pose.  I almost forgot to introduce the newest member of the Lykin Family!  They now have two adorable little boys (who look almost identical minus the 2 year difference).  His mom invited me into their home this morning for a quick newborn session.  We kept it casual and used their living room and entryway.  We actually started the session with the pose below.   Now you can see where the Big Man comes from.  =)  I positioned the papasan chair in the entry way and covered it with a white blanket.  The wall in the background was white which left all the color in the picture on the shirt.

After posing in his first outfit we snapped some naked pictures... or tried to. Mr Lykins wasn't ready for pictures... he was ready to go to the bathroom and boy did he go!  His mom, grandma and I giggled for a good five minutes over his constant "accidents".  We finally managed to get him cleaned up and in the basket only to have him keep going! Oh just thinking about it makes me smile and chuckle.  I love babies!  I told his mom that this afternoon's incident would make a great story and when he's 16 he'll hate hearing it repeated.   

Once the completely naked poses were done we decided a diaper was a good idea and wrapped him in a scarf I had in my tub of goodies.  We dropped a fur rug in the middle of the living room floor and placed him on it. The last few poses were in his baseball sleeper and his dad's baseball glove.  You'd never know he weighed 10lbs when he was born... he looks so small with that glove!  I placed a gray blanket on their couch to provide a solid background and foreground.  He had just eaten and was ready to sleep... until he used his brute strength and rolled off the glove!  Once again, I sit here smiling at the memory. 

The first and last images took place on their living room couch.  I positioned a black fur rug on the seat and used the brown leather as the background.  I love the way it turned out!  You'd never know it was a couch!
Congratulations and thank you Lykins Family! 
 I'm excited to watch your boys grow up together.

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