
A Whole Lot of Fun! {Family Sneak Peek}

What do you get when you have eight adults being photographed, two adults behind the camera, ten children being photographed, and three children distracting everyone?  A whole lot of fun!!

In honor of Bob and Cindy's anniversary their three daughters decided to surprise them with a family session.  I mean literally surprise them... Cindy was told the details two days before the session! 
We gathered everyone at Johnson Sauk Trail State Park near Annawan on a Sunday afternoon.  This location had a very special meaning for their family as they spent summers camping there.


Our original plan was to migrate to a few different locations within the park... however... for sanity's sake we decided to keep everything in one spot (plus one location was next to a playground).  We chose a location near a large tree with the sun behind the subjects.  Thankfully we had a breeze and few clouds or I'm sure we would have melted on our unusually warm day.  For two hours the family put up with my silly antics, funny noises, and absurd questions. 

I could tell Cindy is a mom and grandma as she came super prepared!  Her grandchildren pulled five or six stools out of the back of her car as well as a cooler full of snacks and drinks.  I love a planner!  The stools were a huge help and the grandchildren loved helping. 

We started with the large group poses while some of the children were still focused and cooperative.  From there we did individual families and children.  This worked out well because those not being photographed had a chance to relax their cheeks and burn off some steam. 

Once the small groupings and individual shots were done we did a few more last minute group poses. 
I have to admit all of the men in this family were absolutely fantastic!  They were so cooperative and I didn't hear a single complaint. 
(if they did complain it had to have been in sign language)  

Thank you Hatfield Family! It was a pleasure meeting and working with all of you!  
I hope you have a wonderful summer vacation with plenty of camping. 

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