
Facebook Sneak Peeks

Well Facebook has done it again... they're making drastic changes.  On March 30th all business pages will switch to the new timeline format.  I took it upon myself to update early (I had time to kill yesterday and I tinkered with it).  I have to admit I am not a fan of the new format.  It's confusing and there are pictures and information everywhere.  Although, there is one new feature that I like... you can send messages on a business page with the new format!  It's too bad that one good feature doesn't outweigh the negatives.  

I've decided that I'm going to start doing sneak peeks on our blog.  I'll post a link to the blog on our facebook page but the actual images will not be published to our facebook page.  I think this is a good thing because sneak peeks will now have pictures and a little bit of insight from me.  =)  I have so much fun at my sessions I want to share that enjoyment with others.   

Let the fun begin!

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