
Beautiful Miss Bimrose {Nine Month Sneak Peek}

I have had the privilege of photographing Miss Bimrose every three months for the last nine months.  It has been a wonderful experience watching her personality grow and develop.  She and her brother are so much fun to work with and I will admit I am sad to think that her one year session (and last one in the package) is in just three short months.

For this session we headed to downtown Peoria, Oak Street to be exact.  The Bimrose children were all decked out in their green for St. Patty's Day (yes we braved the afternoon craziness for these pictures).  After sporting their shamrocks they changed into their Easter outfits.  

Look at that stud-muffin!  He is just a hoot.  I asked if he could put his hands in his pockets and he did.  I asked if he could put one foot over the other and he did.  I was amazed at how natural this "adult" pose came to him.  I love it!
After the Easter outfits were broken-in Miss Bimrose changed into her third and final outfit of the day.  I have to say this dress was one of the cutest handmade pieces I have ever seen and it's reversible!  It's the perfect outfit for summer 
(even though figuring out how to get it on was a bit of a challenge).

All three adults tried their hardest to get these two to look at the camera at the same time.  Needless to say it didn't work... the rocks were much more interesting than our funny faces and noises.  But I think these images are much cuter than a smile.  =)  
Thank you Bimrose Family!  I'm ready for that big ONE session!

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