
Summer Updates

With our summer schedule filling up quickly we decided we needed to change a few things to make our summer go a little smoother.

The first being our use of facebook.  Don't worry, we're not deleting our page... we love facebook!  However, we are now asking that clients contact us via email or by phone to schedule a session or inquire about pricing.  We realize facebook is extremely convenient but it's also faulty and unreliable.

please email us at    crphotographydesign@wildblue.net

or call us at    309.493.7200

The second change we're making is with our scheduling.  One session will be scheduled per day Monday through Friday at 10am, 2pm or 6pm.  This will remain in effect until the middle of August.  On Saturdays we will schedule no more than four sessions per day with the following available times 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm or 6pm.  We are no longer scheduling sessions on Sundays.   Unfortunately, this means we are booking more than a month in advance.  If you're interested in our available days please view the calendar on our website.  www.crphotographydesign.com

Our third change is thanks to our lovely Illinois weather.  We've spent a lot of time in the rain this spring and summer and trust me... it's not fun for anyone.  Starting today,  if there is more than a 50% chance of rain or more expected/predicted for the day of a session it will either

A. need to be rescheduled to another day (if the client wishes to do outdoor pictures)
 B. moved to the studio (not available for groups or families of more than five people).

The final change we are making is with our editing time frame.  With our schedule as busy as it is and wedding season in full swing the expected turn around time for a session is now three to four weeks and the expected turn around time for a wedding is now six to eight weeks.  As much as I hate to say it... I'm not superwoman.  If you have any questions regarding your photos and when they may be finished and delivered please email or call us.

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