
Catching Up!

I realize I haven't posted much of anything over the past year and I wonder.... how do people find the time?!  If I'm not taking pictures, I'm editing them and when I'm not doing either of those I'm being a wife, mom, and housekeeper.  There aren't enough hours in the day and days in the week. 
Okay enough of the pitty party... the reason for my post is because I am promising to post more often.  I have a giant sticky note on my computer screen that says 
(we'll see how long it works).   
I have been doing most of my "sneak peeks" on our facebook page which is great because people get to see a glimpse of their pictures but I think I've outgrown the facebook scene.  I find myself on it all day long doing nothing but being nosey or watching our fan base grown or shrink (which stresses me out!).  My goal is to post a sneak peek for our weddings on our blog instead of facebook.  I want to be able to describe our couples, their locations, their weddings, etc and facebook doesn't allow me that option.  Eventually all of our sneak peeks will be posed on our blog so I can describe a session in more detail. 
We've photographed four weddings so far this summer and I'm hoping to get their "glimpse of the day" posted in July (I know that's extremely late for our May weddings but my schedule is crazy until then).  
So wish me luck and keep an eye out for your Glimpse of the Day blog post!

- Cori -

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