
One... Two... Three! {Three Year Sneak Peek}

Miss DeGraeve is three!  I can't believe it!  It seems like only a few months ago we were doing her naked six month pictures.  She's gotten so big and her personality matches.  =)
I met the DeGraeve family in the Bloomington area at Normandy Village.  I had never been there but I am now officially obsessed with it!  We spent a little bit of time wandering and finding different nooks and crannies for Miss DeGraeve to explore (while I snapped away).  I do have to share how smart she is... while sitting in front of a brick gazebo I asked her what the popular animals say (duck, dog, cat, cow, etc).  Later I was trying to get her to smile and interact and asked about the animal sounds... her response... "we already did the animals".  I still giggle thinking about it.

Birthday pictures aren't complete without balloons to show off your new age!  We did have a casualty though...  she let go and they hit the ceiling but were rescued by dad.  She did it again only this time we lost one... the rest of the afternoon was spent with only two balloons... that's okay... she's still three and as cute as can be!  =)  Thank you so much DeGraeve family for letting me watch your little princess grow.  I love seeing how much she's grown and matured (for lack of a better word).  I'm looking forward to next time!  Have a great summer!

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