
Miss Stalter has Arrived! {Newborn Sneak Peek}

Congratulations Stalter Family!  She's absolutely adorable.

When I arrived at the Stalter's home I wasn't sure if Mr. B would have a little brother or little sister since they decided to let it be a surprise.  She's is one of the cutest little peanuts I've had the pleasure of meeting and Mr. B is an amazing big brother.  We started our session with both children because Mr. B was in a good mood.  We used their living room couch and chair. Both were exposed to natural light from the big windows in the room.  

After posing for a few pictures Ms. R was ready for a mid morning snack.  While she and her mom moved upstairs for some privacy I took the opportunity to capture some great pictures of her big brother. He's so cute and I smile ear to ear just looking at his pictures.  

Once snack time was over, which was roughly 10 minutes, we slipped on her tutu.  There's another highlight... the tutu was ordered from Etsy and the mailman delivered it while I was there!  We thought for sure we'd miss him but as luck would have it we didn't.  =)  For most of the tutu poses we used her nursery.  The walls were a very neutral color as well as the piece of furniture used as a changing table.  The patterned rocking chair was also located in her nursery.  I have to admit I am OBSESSED! with these pictures.  If I ever open another studio one of these will definitely be put on the wall. 

After spending time in her new tutu we decided it was time for some naked pictures!  We moved back down to the living room where I had prepared a basket and blanket.  The basket was a prop courtesy of Grandma and the blanket I brought with me.  
Congratulations again Stalter family and thank you for giving me the opportunity to capture such an important time your family's life. 

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