
Jumped The Gun

Once again I admit I am terrible when it comes to blogging. 

I just realized I hadn't posted an update concerning our "move".   We ARE NOT moving to downtown Peoria.  The space we found was great but it wasn't exactly what I wanted, therefore I'd still be looking for the "perfect" location.  On top of that our current landlord made us an offer we couldn't turn it down.  So... for now we are staying in Chillicothe at 322 W Ash St.  We're going to spruce things up inside and outside since we'll be spending at least another year there.  The changes should be under way at the beginning of November.
After it's all said and done it works out perfectly for us considering our house hasn't sold and we're still living out past Tanners Orchard.  We will be in downtown Peoria someday just not any time soon.  
It's good to have goals right?!  =)

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